Fastest way to order!Trust our wonderful Florists and order from here! 1. Customers details Sum— Vali —15 €20 €25 €30 €35 €40 €45 €50 €55 €60 €65 €70 €75 €80 €85 €90 €95 €100 €110 €120 €130 €140 €150 €160 €170 €180 €190 €200 €250 €300 €350 €400 €450 €500 €600 € To whom— Vali —ManWomanBoyGirl Event— Vali —BirthdayWedding/ AnniversaryGreetingsBirth Of a Baby BoyBirth Of a Baby GirlSympathyOther Your name Your e-mail Your phone I want to remain anonymous 2. Choice Of Transport Type Of TransportPick up from the store (0€)Area 1 – Tartu downtown area (10€)Area 2 – vicinity of Tartu – Räni, Tähtvere, Õssu, Märja, Lohkva (15€)Area 3 – further vicinity of Tartu – Vorbuse, Rahinge, Haage, Kõrveküla, Veibri, Tõrvandi, Ülenurme (20€)Outside of area 3, the price depends on the pricelist of Elektritakso. Consult us before ordering. Desired date Desired time [group saaja-andmed] Recipient Recipient's address Recipient's telephone [/group] 3. Personal Message and Additional Information Personal Message (3€) [group message]Message[/group] Additonal informationNB! In case of courier service, we ALWAYS call the customer in advance to make sure that he/she is at home and can receive the bundle! If you want to make a SURPRISE and do not want us to call the recipient of the bouquet, please WRITE THIS HERE! In this case, you need to be 100% sure that the bundled recipient is at HOME at the time you specify! 4. Terms Of Sale I have read and agree to Terms Of Sale and Privacy Policy Please leave this field empty. Total Sum: 80 € CitadeleSwedbankSEBLHVLuminorCoop PankRevolut Card payment Checkout